Film Review: Starwars Story: Solo

Genre:  Action, Adventure, Fantasy

Cert: 12A

Director: Ron Howard

Screenwriter: (written by) Jonathan Kasdan, Lawrence Kasdan, (based on characters created by) George Lucas

Starring: Alden Ehrenreich, Joonas Suotamo, Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover, Thandie Newton, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Paul Bettany, Jon Favreau, Linda Hunt, Ian Kenny, John Tui, Anna Francolini, Andrew Woodall, Warwick Davis, many more...

Running time: 2h 15min 

Parents advised reading before viewing the film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & Nudity: None of the Star Wars movies ever had any strong sexual content. There might be some mild kissing or some nudity (depending on the character) but that's it.
As in most of the Star Wars brand, is expected to be mostly absent, with the possible exception of girls in skimpy clothing, some off-colour jokes and mild innuendo, and a few possible kisses.

Violence & Gore: Like the other Star Wars movies, there is going to be some violence but there is probably going to be little to no blood. But, the character is a smuggler so it will have more crime.
Is expected to include blaster and even lightsaber fights typical of the Star Wars brand, that could include the cauterized and sanitized cuttings of limbs and maybe even a semi-important death at worst. Violence is typically heavily stylized and could possibly come off as cartoonish or costume-y. Limited to no sight of blood. Some explosions and frenetic fighting between spaceships are expected as well. Death/murder of aliens possible.

Profanity: Sophomoric insults are possible. Low-level swearing such as damn and hell are likely. Otherwise, swearing is expected to be mostly absent as it usually is for Star Wars.

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: There might be some drinking, but in the other Star Wars movies it's never anything too bad.
Possible cantina scenes that could include the odd extraterrestrial consumption of alcohol (mostly resembling real life beer or liquor) and the smoking of weird-looking pipes (resembling hookah.)
Possible analogies and references to the trading and selling of drugs (as in Spice.)

Frightening/Intense Scenes:  Expected MPAA Rating: PG-13 for sequences of sci-fi action and violence.
Expected MPAA RATING PG Mainly for moderate violence: not as violent as Rogue One: A Star Wars Story or Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith or Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

A scary octopus-like creature in the Kessel Run scene.

Story: Board the Millennium Falcon and journey to a galaxy far, far away in 'Solo: A Star Wars Story,' an adventure with the most beloved scoundrel in the galaxy. Through a series of daring escapades deep within a dark and dangerous criminal underworld, Han Solo meets his mighty future copilot Chewbacca and encounters the notorious gambler Lando Calrissian, in a journey that will set the course of one of the Star Wars saga's most unlikely heroes.

Likes: As a film review I honestly can not support this film, I wish I could but I just can't get behind it. Don't get me wrong this film is watchable but as a star wars film, this one is very mediocre at best, not just with dialogue but with character development as well.

 The film its self is a star wars film it feels like star wars film, some visual effects are good, to be honest, Donald Glover playing the younger Lando Calrissian was the highlight of the film along with Emilia Clarke playing Qi'ra old love interest of solo. Paul Bettany wasn't that bad at play the gangster type boss Dryden Vos with a ruthless nature, but even these performance couldn't save this film.

I went in with an open mind but sadly this film was another disappointing Starwars film that no one asked for, with the way Disney is handling the star wars franchise is just disappointing this is a blatant cash grabbing film. 

Dislikes: Don't get me wrong here Alden Ehrenreich did ok with this role, he did in some points of the film act like han solo, but other time he didn't. This is because his character was so underdeveloped, not just in the writing but just the way he is portrayed as well, I can honestly say it doesn't help that Alden doesn't look like Harrison Ford's Solo.

If this was gonna be a reboot of Han solo ya maybe this film could get away with a standalone film that has no connection to the past saga, but because it connects to Han solo past which is apart of the old saga this film just feel underwhelming.

All the issue this films had in making this film really shows in the way this film has been done.

The dialogue alone is cringe-worthy which is a Blatant SJW mentality especially the dialogue coming from L3-37 character voice by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Every sentence she making in this film is an SJW propaganda speech its cringe-worthy at best with the way it put across.

As ive said before some visuals were ok, but I did notice and few moments in the film the visuals weren't that great like the film has been lazily done, special with it plot as well. If anyone says this is a masterpiece is iver fooling themselves or trying to defend a shockingly medicroe film.

I don't know who this film was written for but it certainly wasn't for a star wars fan, casual fans may like this film, but the real hardcore Starwars fans I can't see them like this film, not with the way this film has been made.

This for me growing up on star wars since the late 70s to 80s, the star wars I knew is truly lost to greed and propaganda pushing.

Overall: Medicroe sjw agenda pandering film, Some good acting, but an easily forgettable film

Rating: 4.3 out of 5 for Entertainment / 6.3 out of 10 for Concept.


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