Film Review: Brightburn
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi
Cert: 15
Director: David Yarovesky
Screenwriter: Brian Gunn, Mark Gunn
Starring: Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Jackson A. Dunn, Abraham Clinkscales, Christian Finlayson, Jennifer Holland, Emmie Hunter, Matt Jones, Meredith Hagner, Becky Wahlstrom, Terence Rosemore, Gregory Alan Williams, Elizabeth Becka, Annie Humphrey, Steve Agee.
Running time: 1h 30min
Parents advised reading before viewing the film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity:
Violence & Gore:
Profanity: 21 uses of fuck. Many shits. Few damns and hells. Other milder.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Some men in a bar are shown drinking. Later, there is an incident in the film that people suspect was because of drunk driving.
Frightening/Intense Scenes:
Story: What if a child from another world crash-landed on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister?
Likes: From what I saw from the trailer this actually looked good, but upon viewing the film at last since it was released in America two weeks ago, I kind of walk away from this film feeling a little disappointed.
Ya, I get what the director is going for here with the film concept, though it's not a DC film or anything to do with Warner Bros, I understand that he going for a concept of what if Superman had come to earth and was the hero he was and was something far eviler.
Which this film does portray with the similar storyline of a baby land on farmland and a couple raise the boy up only to discover who the boy really is, only the boy has an evil intention rather than being a hero, which I understood from watching the film.
yes, there are moments through this film where it gets seriously mess up and creep as the boy is doing some sinister things with no remorse, the acting is pretty solid for most parts but the film as a whole is massively flawed, even though some scene where good.
Dislikes: The Film as a whole feels rushed and with no direction or explanation of where he comes from, the movie just fails to have that Impact, it just becomes this cheap no direction horror if you could call it that with cheap scare moment.
The Character of the boy itself has no Journey other than just being plain evil there no motivation for him being evil other than a ship telling him to take the earth with no explanation as to why. Yes, some film doesn't really need an explanation because the story is telling you what going on but this film seems to lack that direction.
The parents themselves where immoral wrong, they were good loving parents which make the whole point of the child turn evil complete stupid, I think the writing here could've had the parent has abusive parents which would have more driving force behind him becoming evil with the bullying in school as well, this would have made more sense that what we see in the film.
Which is why I walk away from this film feeling disappointed although some areas of the film were ok, ultimately this film is a big let down from what we saw in the trailer, which was another problem for the film because it shows to much.
Now if this was a film that was connected to the DCEU they said it was it would have made more sense be the origins of Doomsday in human form before transformation or a Bizzaro Superman character, but as a stand-alone film that has no connection to the DC universe or Warner Bros, the film is just a let down with rush writing and poor script with character doing stupid things.
Overall: So what dark, slighty entertaining but a big let down when it comes to the story.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 for Entertainment / 5.6 out of 10 for Concept

Cert: 15
Director: David Yarovesky
Screenwriter: Brian Gunn, Mark Gunn
Starring: Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Jackson A. Dunn, Abraham Clinkscales, Christian Finlayson, Jennifer Holland, Emmie Hunter, Matt Jones, Meredith Hagner, Becky Wahlstrom, Terence Rosemore, Gregory Alan Williams, Elizabeth Becka, Annie Humphrey, Steve Agee.
Running time: 1h 30min
Parents advised reading before viewing the film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity:
- A man talks to his adopted son about puberty and masturbation and when it is and is not acceptable.
- Confused by his changes during puberty, the main character begins stalking a girl for sexual reasons.
- Pictures are found with women in bikinis
- At the beginning of the film, a couple showed about to start sex, but they do not
Violence & Gore:
- A girl's hand is crushed, no blood is shown.
- A piece of glass gets blown into a woman's eye, she pulls it out with the eye gushing and the scene being prolonged and focusing on the detail.
- A man gets his eyes laser-beamed. The laser eventually blows through the back of his head as pieces of his brain fall out of the gore.
- A man gets plummeted off-screen and his bloody remains are shown splattered on the run through the porch.
- A woman is beaten by the super-powered threat off-screen but sounds the wall shaking and her screaming is heard. She is tossed through glass all bloodied before dying.
- A woman's corpse is shown dissected with her intestines hanging out.
- The super-powered threat drops a jeep with a man inside - upon the jeep landing, the man's jaw gets torn off by his face smashing onto the wheel. The man attempts to hold his gory face with his jaw gushing open before all the detail is shown for a number of seconds.
- The super-powered threat takes a woman to a great height and drops her to her death.
Profanity: 21 uses of fuck. Many shits. Few damns and hells. Other milder.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Some men in a bar are shown drinking. Later, there is an incident in the film that people suspect was because of drunk driving.
Frightening/Intense Scenes:
- Very dark and depressing throughout.
- The super-powered threat's appearance is VERY frightening as his eyes glow red and the fact that he came from a different planet is even scarier, his spaceship left long ago in a locked room in the family's backyard is seen glowing red and making mysterious alien sounds that is very disturbing
- The super-powered threat is shown flying very fast and even kills numerous people

Story: What if a child from another world crash-landed on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister?
Likes: From what I saw from the trailer this actually looked good, but upon viewing the film at last since it was released in America two weeks ago, I kind of walk away from this film feeling a little disappointed.
Ya, I get what the director is going for here with the film concept, though it's not a DC film or anything to do with Warner Bros, I understand that he going for a concept of what if Superman had come to earth and was the hero he was and was something far eviler.
Which this film does portray with the similar storyline of a baby land on farmland and a couple raise the boy up only to discover who the boy really is, only the boy has an evil intention rather than being a hero, which I understood from watching the film.
yes, there are moments through this film where it gets seriously mess up and creep as the boy is doing some sinister things with no remorse, the acting is pretty solid for most parts but the film as a whole is massively flawed, even though some scene where good.
Dislikes: The Film as a whole feels rushed and with no direction or explanation of where he comes from, the movie just fails to have that Impact, it just becomes this cheap no direction horror if you could call it that with cheap scare moment.
The Character of the boy itself has no Journey other than just being plain evil there no motivation for him being evil other than a ship telling him to take the earth with no explanation as to why. Yes, some film doesn't really need an explanation because the story is telling you what going on but this film seems to lack that direction.
The parents themselves where immoral wrong, they were good loving parents which make the whole point of the child turn evil complete stupid, I think the writing here could've had the parent has abusive parents which would have more driving force behind him becoming evil with the bullying in school as well, this would have made more sense that what we see in the film.
Which is why I walk away from this film feeling disappointed although some areas of the film were ok, ultimately this film is a big let down from what we saw in the trailer, which was another problem for the film because it shows to much.
Now if this was a film that was connected to the DCEU they said it was it would have made more sense be the origins of Doomsday in human form before transformation or a Bizzaro Superman character, but as a stand-alone film that has no connection to the DC universe or Warner Bros, the film is just a let down with rush writing and poor script with character doing stupid things.
Overall: So what dark, slighty entertaining but a big let down when it comes to the story.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 for Entertainment / 5.6 out of 10 for Concept

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