Film Review: 47 Meters Down (also known as In The Deep)

Genre: Horror, Thriller

Cert: 15 cert

Director: Johannes Roberts

Screen writer: Johannes Roberts,  Ernest Riera

Starring: Mandy Moore, Claire Holt, Matthew Modine, Yani Gellman, Santiago Segura, Chris Johnson, Mayra Juarez, Axel Mansilla

Running time: 1h 29min

Parents advised reading before viewing a film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & Nudity: Girls in bikinis

Violence & GoreModerate portrayals of violence with some details, are shown, but are justified by context. Said portrayals of violence also include some infliction of pain and injury but are never detailed, intense or prolonged.

The film contains some scenes where the characters are attacked by a shark.

These are mainly depicted by the shark rushing towards the victim and the water turning red.

One of the stronger scenes shows the protagonist being bitten in her leg by the shark and dragged through the water for a short moment before she manages to free herself.

This is followed by a brief top-down shot showing some bleeding bite marks on her leg.

As the action is portrayed through quick cuts and does not dwell on the pain and injuries of the victim, the film can be suited for a teen audience

Profanity: The film contains an utterance of the expletive "f**k". 

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Alcohol is seen being drunk by the main character

Frightening/Intense Scenes:  '47 Meters Down' revolves around two sisters, Kate and Lisa, who go on a shark dive. A mishap causes their shark cage to fall to the sea floor, trapping them in the depths with a ravenous shark. some scene may be too frightening for some audience

Story: Two sisters on a vacationing in Mexico take an uncharted boat trip to see some sharks when disaster strikes as the cable to the cage snap sending them 47 meters to the bottom of the ocean. With less than an hour of oxygen left and great white sharks circling nearby, they must fight to survive.

Likes : Wow- just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water, they bring you the next Great White Shark movie since “Jaws”; last year, we got the "Blake Lively" film, “The Shallow,” which was pretty intense in and of itself, but this film? God damn- this was good and very underrated.

What started off as a normal holiday quickly turned into a nightmare that anyone would fear, which is why, on holiday trips, hotels tell you to stick with what is recommended by them and to not go on some shady attraction.

his film is a classic example of why shady attractions are bad, especially for these two characters when they find themselves in deep water (excuse the pun)- between them, circling like vultures, mankind’s oldest predators on the hunt for food.

What’s great about this film is that it starts by building the characters, introducing the two main characters Lisa and Kate; they are played by TV stars, one of which you may recognize if you have watched or a fan of “The Originals” and “Vampire Diaries”. Their acting performances are brilliant.

All through the film, you’re subjected to this very intense situation when the disaster strikes- 47 meters below the surface with Great Whites circling like vultures-- and you have no idea where the sharks are because it’s too dark, which gives this film its edge.

The difference between “The Shallows” and this film is that “The Shallows” had a fear of the surface; this had a fear below, but they both show two great concepts in fear of the unknown. This film improved the concept.

Special effects are brilliant, with the C.G.I in the film showing realistic Great Whites; it’s frightening when you’re looking at 25-foot sharks circling you like your lunch. They gave the film this surreal, frightening situation of no escape and then beg the question: How would you survive 47 meters down, running out of the air?

The audience is presented with this horrifying situation where, at any time, these two can be suddenly killed, also giving moments straight out of “Jaws”; in this world of gliding monsters, you are the prey and they are the hunters.

There are moments in the film you really are on the edge of your seat, especially when these two girls do reckless things in order to survive; it's every moment like this that makes you want to grab for a pillow to hide behind. These moments are truly intense and frightening.

So, if you're looking for a good shark movie- especially one that is brilliantly written and well directed to give a brilliant, intense, frightening film- watch "47 Meters Down”. This is the second shark movie since:”Jaws” that I’ve seen, and it’s worth watching just for the twist at the end you’ll never see coming.

Dislikes: There are a few moments where it gets a little predictable, but this is generally a great film.
Overall: Very intense, frightening, roller-coaster ride of fear 47 meters below the surface.

Rating: 5 out of 5 for Entertainment / 9.2 out of 10 for concept


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