Film Review: Line of Duty

Genre:  Action, Crime, Thriller

Cert: R-rated

Director: Steven C. Miller

Screenwriter: Jeremy Drysdale

Starring: Dina Meyer, Giancarlo Esposito, Aaron Eckhart, Courtney Eaton, Ben McKenzie, Jessica Lu, John Flanagan, David Shae, Betsy Landin, Lindsey Garrett, Mason McCulley, J. Cameron Barnett, Jonathan Aidan Cockrell, Elijah M. Cooper, Nickola Shreli

Running time:  1h 38 min

Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & Nudity: this movie has no nudity or sex scene

Violence & Gore:
  • A mass shooting takes place. This is one of the most intense scenes of the film.
  • A girl is in a glass box and the box is filling with water, implying that the girl is at risk of drowning soon.
  • A skeleton is shown.
  • Lots of guns and shootings are shown.
  • A few instances of car crashes

Profanity: Very mild. No F-words. A few Bull-Sh**s here and there, but no more than 6 or 7 at the most.

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: A girl mentions a drug by its singular letter in a conversation. Other than that, there are no drugs/alcohol within.

Frightening/Intense Scenes: A few scenes involving violence, shootings and fighting, but nothing over the top for an action movie.

Story: Frank Penny is a disgraced cop looking for a shot at redemption after killing a child abductor. With the police chief's 11-year-old daughter's life on the line, Frank goes rogue to try and save her. But to find the girl Frank will need the help of vlogger Ava Brooks, whose live-streaming news channel is broadcasting Frank's every move. While a city watches, Frank and Ava race against time and not only do they have to face every daring obstacle but also the abductor' brother who's out for revenge.

Like: Ive seen alot of Review for this film alot of them are fake reviews because this wasn't a bad film at all, i would go as far as to say its very unrated. This prove that you dont need plastic woke culture bullshit in films, it a simple story easy to follow where some guys what revenge over something and they take the chief daughter, during a Sting operation to arrest criminals thing go wrong, Aaron Eckhart character find him self involved in a race against time to find this girl before she dies.

Yes its a popcorn film where you need to switch your brain off and just enjoy the film for what it is, because what you see is what you get, an action film with slight humour, with a good humanity concept which our world sadly needs. I see why alot of people are just giving this film low score because of what the police are like these days, which seriously show people cant take fiction away from the real world they have a one track mind, cant think for themselves.

Well you know what they say Screw the haters, if you hate this film that kind of your problem at the end of the day , because this film is actually good in its own right, while being short film evolving around 60 mins to find the girl, there are some pretty good action moments, with great acting which gave the vibe of the tv series cops, as a young journalist put her own life at risk to bring the heart back into trusting the police.   

Dislikes: Yes there are a few flaws in the film, concerning the camera, which was a little odd at times, but about from that this film was actually good.

Overall: Great acting, good throw back 90s action style movie.

Rating: 5 out of 5 For Entertainment / 7.8 out of 10 for story


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