Film review: The Virtuoso

 Genre: Action / thriller 

Cert: 15

Director: Nick Stagliano

Screenwriter: James C. Wolf, Nick Stagliano

Starring: Anson Mount, Abbie Cornish, Anthony Hopkins, David Morse, Eddie Marsan, Richard Brake, Diora Baird, Chris Perfetti, Ryan Jonze, Shay Guthrie, Jenna Hellmuth, Blaise Corrigan, Estelle Girard Parks, Trent Iacono, Willow, Basil Kershner

Running time: 1h 50m

Parents advised reading before viewing the film as some scenes may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & Nudity: A woman is shown during sex receiving cunnilingus while the camera focuses on her face and bare breasts.

A woman removes her top and displays her bare breasts in the act of seduction.

Violence & Gore: a woman is shot in the back with a shotgun, a wound is shown with blood, a woman on the street catches on fire

Profanity8 uses of fuck

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: one of the characters drinks whiskey, and drugs were used

Frightening/Intense Scenes: Pretty fundamental for this type of thriller with an assassin

StoryA lonesome stranger, secure, nerves of steel, must track down and kill a rogue Hitman to satisfy an outstanding debt. But the only information he's been given is a time and location to find his quarry - 5pm at a rustic diner in the dying town. No name, no description, nothing. When the Assassin arrives, several possible targets, including the county sheriff. Endangering his life, the killer embarks on a manhunt to find the Hitman and accomplish his mission. But the danger escalates when the erotic encounters with a local woman threaten to derail his task.

Likes: The Virtuoso, is it any good? It's not bad if you're into the film noir style of film that follows the story of an Assassin whose code name is the virtuoso. A tale: Once there was a worn, withered old man to set in his ways, bound by routine to have the foresight to understand that in all his seventy-six years, he's always done the same thing, ate the same food, chose the same colours, won the same battles. His life is a breathing pentagon: home, work, rest, eat, dream. From age eighteen, he'd never questioned his lot. Until the trinity... and the agony of realization that a life lived can never be re-lived.

This, in a way, describes this Assassin perfectly well when an Assassination goes wrong and causes collateral damage, which the film does explain much. Still, it becomes apparent toward the end of the film what the collateral damage is to someone. In addition, the film takes on a Twist in the story when the Assassin is given an assassination order but with a mysterious target with no name, which provides the film with a mystery tone as he tries to track down the target.

Anson Mount was the perfect casting choice for the Assassin as he has a stoic look and that intense eye look that portrays an Assassin look pretty well; you might know Anson from the MCU, who plays black blot. In this film, he is actually a good actor that pulls off the Assassin quite well im amazed that actress Abbie Cornish actually when full frontal nudity for this film; clearly, she felt comfortable with it, so fair play to her. 

It may not be a film for all audiences, but it is still a tremendously well-written story that doesn't overplay itself, given the intended level it portrays. So, would I recommend this film? Yes, but it would depend on whether specific audiences love Noir type thriller movies on Netflix.

Dislikes: A particular element should have been shown or explained; I feel it could've fleshed out the story better in areas of the film with the plot twist. 

Overall: Great film, great acting, pretty good thriller. 

Rating: 4.7 out of 5 for Entertainment / 7 out of 10 for noir-style film


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