Film Review: Passengers

Genre: Adventure, Drama, Romance

Cert: 12A
Director: Morten Tyldum

Screen writer: Jon Spaihts

Starring: Jennifer Lawrence , Chris Pratt , Michael Sheen , Laurence Fishburne , Andy Garcia , Vince Foster , Kara Flowers , Conor Brophy , Julee Cerda , Aurora Perrineau , Lauren Farmer , Emerald Mayne , Kristin Brock , Tom Ferrari , Quansae Rutledge 

Running time: 116 min

Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & Nudity: A sex scene has been confirmed by Jennifer Lawrence.

Violence & Gore: main character punches the character character out of anger

Profanity: Mild

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Alcohol is seen being drunk by main characters

Frightening/Intense Scenes:  Scene of peril are pretty intense moment maybe seem scare for some views

Story: The spaceship, Starship Avalon, in its 120-year voyage to a distant colony planet known as the "Homestead Colony" and transporting 5,259 people has a malfunction in two of its sleep chambers. As a result two hibernation pods open prematurely and the two people that awoke, Jim Preston (Chris Pratt) and Aurora Dunn (Jennifer Lawrence), are stranded on the spaceship, still 90 years from their destination.

Likes : This film came out in america didnt get a very good reception from the critic which i dont know why because let be-honest here this is a great film , Yes there are a few flaws but to say this film is bad hell no.

I can understand this film being a little complicated for some people to understand with it's story concept , but if you go in to this film expecting a sci-fi action film you will be disappointed.
 The underline concept of this film is about the journey of life , meaning it a way you can spend your whole life walk alone until you find that one person your could spend you life with but is just out of reach.

Like most relationship in life is a rocky road & we do things we regret doing but life isnt about regret or worries what might be, life is about enjoying life while you still have it , this is what this film is putting across in a sci-fi theme.

Its beautiful done with amazing visual effects as you see the ship journey through space , if you had a chance to leave earth travel across the stars would you do it?

 Jennifer Lawrence is incredible beautiful in this film & her performance is outstanding , finally we get a film for her to actually show how brilliant of actress she truly see , special with the emotional moments with her character she real sell it on screen.

Chris Pratt is also brilliant in this film show a diversity in his acting as we normally see in almost every role his played we see him played the comical type of sarcastic guy , but in this film he very serious which works for the film.

He give his character a believe person that losing his mind being lone for so long , both Jennifer & Chris on screen chemistry is brilliant in giving a romantic , drama sci-fi film with a journey of life concept of relationship build toward a future.

 This film is truly a work of art that by the end of the 2 second act you up caring about Jim and Aurora's journey with one of the greatest third acts I've ever seen for a film for a long .  You truly end up falling in love with Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence through out the film as their performance are spot on and believable.

It has a phenomenal narrative putting yourself in Jim's shoes what would you do if you woke up 90 years to early? This is what this film cleverly does is draw you in to the character , you can't blame him for what he does but it make this film so much better which make a great journey until the end of the film which is a great ending to a brilliant film.

This is a film i can recommend watching as you wont disappointed but i wouldnt go into it think it a action Sci-fi.

Dislikes : There is a scene with Laurence Fishburne that was a little short which is the one flaw in this film ,  this scene given wasn't enough time to get to know his character to get emotional with happens which i feel could of been better done.

The first act of the film can feel very slow paced . which could make a the audience feel bored at times , but does pick up around the second act.

Overall : Visual stunning , great performance , great film.

Rating: 5 out of 5 for Entertainment / 9.4 out of 10 for concept.


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