Film Review: Dark Was The Night

Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller

Cert: 18 cert

Director: Jack Heller

Screen writer: Tyler Hisel

Starring: Steve Agee, Nick Damici , Kevin Durand , Heath Freeman , Sabina Gadecki , Lukas Haas , Seth Hendricks , Bianca Kajlich , Ethan Khusidman , Joe Pallister , Charles Parshley , Billy Paterson , Minerva Scelza 

Running time: 90 min

Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & Nudity: none

Violence & Gore: Body parts are seen through out the film, body of a deer clawed up blood is seen.

Profanity: Mild to strong language throughout the film

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Alcohol is seen being drunk in some scene

Frightening/Intense Scenes:  the main concept of this film is suspenseful & intense, there are moment that can be frightening

Story: Isolated and threatened, a mysterious force hidden within the trees outside the small town of Maiden Woods, strikes fear in the townspeople as Sheriff Paul Shields attempts to overcome the demons of his past while protecting those that he loves from something that fast & killing things

Likes : Now this is how you make a horror film work, for the first time in since jaws we have a film that hasn't given away to much or revealed to much of what is actually killing people until the very end of the film. This is how you make a horror film suspenseful, dark, mysterious with a frightening & intense concept that really works for the film.
Up until the closing scenes Dark Was the Night is reminiscent of any number of films by director M. Night Shyamalan with its concept. A strong sense of foreboding and tension moments it established early in this film really give this film its edge. The source of the terror that infects a US country town is hinted at and glimpsed but never fully revealed, until the final scenes as we see what is actually terrifying the town.
As a result, Dark Was the Night could be described to some as somewhat of slow but its not what you take away from this story concept its self.  Its a well acted film, with a solid sub plot and good character development, that moves the story forward at a steady pace so you kind of looking at a character driven horror with still keep in dark atmospheric tone.
The way this film builds up to it fail scene is really good, give you a few mysterious scene which adds to the what the hell is going on to moments where you see people get attack without showing what is attacking its clever it keep you hook to the very last scene where we get the great view of the thing  that has terrified the town. This is a film i recommend watch as it a great horror film

Dislikes : if you can look past the pacing of the film accept for a character driven horror ya you will like this film, it a film that most will nic pick at, because they are use to the thing being reveal early, but im glad to say that this is a great film that keeps the audience on their toes although its a little slow

Overall : great story, great acting, great monster film that done right.

Rating: 4.3 out of 5 for entertainment / 8 out of 10 for concept.


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