Film Review: The Wrestler

Genre: Drama Sport 

Cert: 15 cert but this should of been a 18 cert due to some scene

Director: Darren Aronofsky 

Screen writer: Robert D. Siegel

Starring: Mickey Rourke , Marisa Tomei ,Evan Rachel Wood ,Mark Margolis ,Todd Barry ,Wass Stevens, Judah Friedlander ,Ernest Miller ,  Dylan Keith Summers, Tommy Farra.

Running time: 109 min

Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.

Sex & NudityPeople are seen topless frequently throughout the film, this is mostly men, but in some scenes it includes women.
There are a number of naked women in posters around the house.
A couple scenes set in a strip club. In one scene, the main character receives a private dance from a girl where she is only wearing a thong.
There is also a short scene where one dancer is on stage dancing erotically wearing only a g-string.
A mans bare butt is seen.
a man has sex with a woman from behind in a bathroom and is shown thrusting behind her. Brief and you can see her breasts.
A man is seen looking at porn, and it seen from a distance referencing oral sex but no nudity or detail is seen.
Some mild references.

Violence & Gore: Two men fake-fight in a wrestling match, when one is on the floor, he takes a small razor and cuts is forehead to make it look like the other man injured him.
In one match, a man staples his nipples with a staple gun, then staples a note to his forehead.He then staples his opponent three times. He then is hit with a plastic leg and with a dustbin. One man is then smashed through glass and thrown through a table wrapped in barbed wire. A man is thrown into barbed wire and briefly gets stuck in it. A decent amount of blood is seen splattered in the ring. Also, a fork is stabbed into a mans chest. This is the only really violent scene and is the reason that got this section a 7/10
A woman throws objects at her father, one hits him in the head.
A man purposely rams his hand into a ham slicer and blood squirts everywhere and is seen dripping down his face.
A third wrestling match, no blood in this one.

Profanity: Infrequent use of strong language (eg 'fuck').
Some use of milder language (eg 'shit').  

Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: A man injects steroids into his butt.
characters buy and use performance drugs such as steroids and painkillers.
A man snorts cocaine.
Causal smoking and drinking is shown.

Frightening/Intense Scenes: Some intense scenes and some dark/sad scenes.

Story: This is a drama about an aging professional wrestler, decades past his prime, who now barely gets by working small wrestling shows in VFW halls and as a part-time grocery store employee. As he faces health problems that may end his wrestling career for good he attempts to come to terms with his life outside the ring: by working full time at the grocery store, trying to reconcile with the daughter he abandoned in childhood and forming a closer bond with a stripper he has romantic feelings for. He struggles with his new life and an offer of a high-profile rematch with his 1980s arch-nemesis, The Ayatollah, which may be his ticket back to stardom

Likes : The Wrestler is a drama centered around an aging professional wrestler past his prime, your think this is the type of film that just going to be based just around wresting  It's so much more than that. You don't really have to be a fan of wrestling to enjoy this film.
This is a story based around Mickey Rourke Character who has made so many mistake in life they are catching up with him, he become a middle aged man who doesn't have much going for him other than the life of wrestling, but you can see that he needs wrestling more than wrestling more than wrestling need him because he need to feel important like someone need him.
This the type of character you can feel for as he lost his wife, never got married again, he daughter doesn't want anything to do with him, because his never been in her life growing up & life is just passing him by, you can really see the struggle in him, Mickey Rourke pulls this off brilliant in the film for a convincing character.
What kinds of give this film balance is the other character that seem to have the same life as Mickey Rourkes character only as a stripper in a night club played by Marisa Tomei, who seems to be in a similar situation as he is. The middle aged stripper who seems to have a real connection with "The Ram" is shown in another misunderstood profession. We all may not be as different as we may think. Health problems compromise his wrestling career as he tries to deal with the real world and rebuild his relationship with his abandoned daughter.
 This scenes with Evan Rachel Wood (his daughter) is very touching & heart breaking at the same time as you can feel her angry & disappointment in her father for not being there for her in life as she grown up.This might not be a film for everyone but its worth watch to see the transformation of Mickey Rourke play this role with brilliance.

Dislikes : The only real complaint is the way it ends, it leaves you wondering weather with the situation at the end weather he had made it or not because after the final scene it just cuts to black then the music start with the credit roles.

Overall : Heart-warming mellow-drama, great acting, not a bad film

Rating: 4.4 out of 5 for entertainment / 7.5 out of 10 for story-line/ concept.


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